Is networked learning always in alignment with organisational learning?

I think this is a fundamental question that most people would like to know the answer but rarely dare to ask.

What is intriguing is that individual networked learning could be in conflict with the organisational learning.   This is especially the case at this time of financial crisis.


During the 2002-04 period, it seemed as if most days brought to light another case of corporate lying, misrepresentations and financial manipulations.  What happened to managerial ethics?

This important aspect of managerial behaviour seems to have been forgotten or ignored as some managers put their self-interest ahead of others who might be affected by their decisions.  Take, for example, the ‘Enron Three’ (former chairman Ken Lay, former CEO Jeff Skilling and former CFO Andy Fastow).   All behaved as if the laws and accounting rules did not apply to them.  They used greed, manipulation and collusion to deceive their board of directors, employees, shareholders and others about Enron’s worsening financial condition.  Because of these managers’ unethical actions, thousands of Enron employees lost their jobs and the company stock set aside in their retirement savings became worthless.

Although Enron seemed to be the pivotal event in this corporate ethics crisis, executives at a number of other large companies were engaging in similar kinds of unethical acts.  In Australia, there was the HIH collapse in 2001 which ultimately led to HIH directors Ray Williams and Rodney Adler being found guilty in 2005 of criminal charges in relation to the collapse.  Ray Williams was found guilty of considerable abandonment of duty and was jailed for a minimum of two years and nine months.  Rodney Adler was found guilty of making false or misleading statements which the sentencing judge describe as displaying an appalling lack of commercial morality. …

What would you have done had you been a manager in these organisations? How would you have reacted?  One thing we know is that ethical issues are not simple or easy!  Make one decision and someone will be affected; make another and someone else is likely to be affected.  In today’s changing workplace, managers need an approach to deal with the complexities and uncertainties associated with the ethical dilemmas that arise.

Source: Robbins, S   Management  4th edition 2006 (p57-58)

As an educator and learner, are we also facing similar ethical issues in the learning ecology?  What are those ethical issues? As a blogger, what are the implications if the information that we are sharing with others were originated from an incorrect information source?  Are we able to discern those sources with lying, misrepresentations and manipulation of information?  Are we responsible for the provision of accurate, up-to-date information in our blogs?  What learning ethics do we adopt in our communication and interaction with other bloggers or readers? 

What happens if our learning practice is not aligning with our organisation’s mission and vision?  Examples include when organisations have banned the use of social networking tools such as Facebook, YouTubes or My Space, whereas you as an educator is continuing to teach your learners using those tools.   Is it a concern to you?  Is it a concern to your organisation or institution?

How would you deal with the ethical issues in networked learning and organisation learning?  If you have found some ethical issues that are in conflict with the organisation practice, how would you deal with them? 


5 thoughts on “Is networked learning always in alignment with organisational learning?

  1. Pingback: Topics about Facebook » Archive » Is networked learning always in alignment with organisational…

  2. Hi John

    I think there are two separate issues here.

    ‘what are the implications if the information that we are sharing with others were originated from an incorrect information source?’

    This is a difficult one and I suppose we just have to be on our guard and not knowingly post information that we know to be dubious.

    But I think this is a completely different question and not necessarily anything to do with ethics

    ‘What happens if our learning practice is not aligning with our organisation’s mission and vision?’

    My experience is that many of us will be ahead of the organisation’s mission and vision in terms of learning practice. The vision and mission can be outdated, but that shouldn’t hold up people’s learning. On the CCK08 course there was discussion about subverting the system, and I think this is what people tend to do if the organisation is holding them up in terms of their learning. I don’t see this as an ethical problem necessarily.


  3. Hi Jenny,
    Great to learn your views on this topic. I resonate with you that “This is a difficult one and I suppose we just have to be on our guard and not knowingly post information that we know to be dubious.
    But I think this is a completely different question and not necessarily anything to do with ethics” What I intend to bring out from the case is to use it as a metaphor in highlighting the danger of putting self interest ahead of others who might be affected by their decisions. As educators, we may not be fully awared of the implications of posting of blogs with incorrect or misrepresented information that might lead to those consequences. But would it be part of our professional practice to ensure that we are following some codes of practice as an educators?

    “My experience is that many of us will be ahead of the organisation’s mission and vision in terms of learning practice. The vision and mission can be outdated, but that shouldn’t hold up people’s learning” I see your point.

    Relating to the subverting of the system, would it create tension between what we are practising from what we are expected from our team, association or organisation? Most organisations hold up the use of social networking tools for specific “excellent” reasons – like security issues, child protection, quality accreditation, accountability to the public, stakeholders and various businesses interests. So, where people are subverting the system, will it create an impression of not following the organisation’s vision and mission? Once employed by an organisation (or educational institution), the employee (educator) is expected to comply with the ethical standards set by the organisation. This is a common practice as a lawyer, a medical practitioner (doctor), or an accountant. Is an educator different from those professionals? Besides, as a professional in educational institution, compliance of ethical standards is required. This is clearly indicated in the professional standards of those association and people who fail to comply in the professional practice would be disciplined, expelled from the association, or even under legal prosecution. This is similar to the case study I cited. ” All behaved as if the laws and accounting rules did not apply to them. They used greed, manipulation and collusion to deceive their board of directors, employees, shareholders and others about Enron’s worsening financial condition. Because of these managers’ unethical actions, thousands of Enron employees lost their jobs and the company stock set aside in their retirement savings became worthless.”

    So, we have to admit the existence of tension between networked learning and organisational learning. George has highlighted a number of tension areas that existed in the Higher Education that are withholding the advancement of learning individually and institutionally.
    I think such tension existed in different sectors, including the blogosphere, social networking, and the learning ecology.
    I need to reflect more on how we could resolve those tensions.
    Do you think we could solve those problems?
    I greatly appreciate your considered comments here. Million thanks.

  4. “The Enron Three” usually refers to either the Broadband Three (Rex Shelby, Joe Hirko, Scott Yeager) or The Natwest Three (Gary Mulgrew, David Bermingham, and Giles Darby.)

    Also, I’m curious what you mean by “greed” and “manipulation”?

  5. Thanks Cara for your reference to the Broadband Three or the Natwest Three.
    I suppose greed refers to the desire for the pursuit of money, wealth, power or other possessions, especially when this denies the same goods to others. Greedy person values money or possessions over all other things including God.
    Manipulation refers to the deliberate attempt to create artificial, false or misleading financial condition.
    I greatly appreciate your comments here.

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