e-Portfolio at a Glance

In this e-Portfolio by Dr Helen Barrett 

Helen mentioned that all portfolios need to include three forms of reflection, focusing on the past, present, and future. These questions are:

  • What? (the artifacts that I have collected from the past)
  • So What? (what these artifacts show about my learning at the present time)
  • Now What? (my future learning goals)

Researching Electronic Portfolios

I am interested in continuing my research on electronic portfolios in education with an emphasis on exploring and changing the predominant paradigm:

  • from an institutional focus to a more family and/or individual focus
  • from a metaphor of “portfolio as test of skills” to “portfolio as story of deep learning”
  • from institution-centered data management systems to more individual-centered Web 2.0-based, lifelong/life wide interactive personal learning environments

Use of electronic portfolios and Web 2.0-based tools

  • Create digital archives of personal and professional development (collection)
  • Maintain purposeful journals/blogs that document the learning journey (reflection)
  • Present selected works for a particular purpose and audience (selection/presentation)
  • Receive feedback on portfolios to support lifelong learning (collaboration/assessment)

ePortfolio, when used appropriately, could be quite a useful tool.  This is especially popular in the case of a mentoring program where the mentor supports the mentee in developing an ePortfolio.  It focuses on learning goals and requires the learner to adopt a systematic approach in the development of  learning strategies and action plans. 

However, in reality, there are too often emergence knowledge  and learning due to the complexity nature of learning. Rapid changes in technology and advances in theories and pedagogies may require an adaptive approach towards personal learning.   An appreciation of ePortfolio may provide strong motivation towards the achievement of challenging goals.

So, is ePortfolio helpful in your personal learning?  Or is it a hindrance to you?

Please refer to http://connectivismeducationlearning.ning.com for further resources and discussion.

3 thoughts on “e-Portfolio at a Glance

  1. Hi John,

    I have a very high regard for Dr Helen Barrett. Over the years she has laid down some very powerful arguments for e-Portfolios. However, I feel that in your bullet-points your analysis only covers a very limited set of functions.

    Unfortunately HE stands in a peculiar position in regard to e-Portfolios. It reminds me of the old farmer giving directions to a lost traveller by saying, “If I were going there I would not start from here!’

    I have done a lot of research, full-time, over the last two years on VLEs and e-Portfolios. Rather than go through long arguments here, I would ask you to look at the following links and then get back to me if you wish:

    P: http://www.raytolley1.xfolioworld.com
    B: http://www.efoliointheuk.blogspot.com/
    W: http://www.maximise-ict.co.uk/eFolio-01.htm

    Kind Regards,
    Ray T

  2. Thanks Ray for your valuable insights. I share with you the high regard for Dr Helen Barrett. I tried to keep it brief in my analysis and readers could refer to her blog for details.
    I have noted the popularity of e-Portfolios and would like to see how people perceive and value it.
    Would e-Portfolio be used by educators and learners as an enabler towards education and learning? How could one integrate e-Portfolio as evidence of competency and as a learning reflection tool to ensure its aims towards life long and life wide learning are achieved?
    For some novice educators and adult learners, preparation of e-portfolio requires mentoring and development. It also takes consideration time and efforts for the learner to appreciate the importance and application of e-Portfolios.
    Given the emergent knowledge and complexity nature of learning, changing technologies and the dynamic changes in the learning ecology, does it also require a continuous planning, implementation and review cycle in the use of e-portfolio to ensure its successful implementation and sustainability? Otherwise it may inherit the pitfalls of MBO (Management By Objectives) where the objectives dictate the learning, leaving the learner with strained learning situations. This is especially the case when the learners experience difficulties in accessing technologies and tools, or in those cases of connections breakdowns.
    I greatly appreciate your sharing of valuable resources.

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