#Change11 #CCK12 Creatagogy – the basis of Creation – of Values, Education & Learning, and Community

Time is ripened to grow and develop a pedagogy that describes, explains and expands Creatagogy – how it has been applied in MOOCs and how it could be used to create future MOOCs.  This requires a connective creativity with collective wisdom (Wisdom of the Crowd) and individual creativity and creative learning capacity connected to networks with technology affordance.  We envision a direction based on connective and connective wisdom to inform Creatagogy.

In response to my previous post on Creatagogy, I have received some warm calls for its further development, by means of wikis or Google Doc.

Research question:

1. What are the principles underpinning Creatagogy?

2.How would Creatagogy create and enhance learning experience in a networked learning environment?

3. What are the values derived from Creatagogy – on learners, educators, community and institutions?

What could Creatagogy achieve?

Creatagogy would then become the basis of the creation of values, education and learning, and community.  This would provide value and benefit to the institution, education and learning communities and most important of all, the learners, so as to enrich one as part of the creation of global learning community, embracing creativity as one of the core capability and a way of life.

I think some of the principles enlisted on paragogy (see this paper on Paragogy– a learning pedagogy for peer-producing and self-directed learning would be very useful for reflection:

  1. Changing context as a decentered center.
  2. Meta-learning as a font of knowledge.
  3. Peers provide feedback that wouldn’t be there otherwise.
  4. Learning is distributed and nonlinear.
  5. Realize the dream if you can, then wake up!

In reflection, there are common threads in among the MOOCs created so far. Here Jim in his Ed Parkour critiqued on the values of MOOC.  Here I would like to quote his view:

I can’t imagine we want to turn the potential of the MOOC into a market, we want to take education back from the markets. We want more “green spaces” for teaching and learning, to quote Brian Lamb. We need a form of open, online class expereinces that are free of venture capital and the next celebrity professor, a community of learning that leverages the resources we already have at publicly funded brick and mortar institutions and open them up to the world, and there is no reason the world can’t, in turn, directly inform what happens at institution.

I hope the development of open online learning environments (OOLE) would benefit and add values to professors, learners, communities and institution, extending the traditional values of formal education to a new level based on Creatagogy.

Here are some of the resources I have collected on Creative Learning and Creativity:

What is creativity?

This slideshare summarizes some thoughts about creativity:

In this article by Mihaly, Creativity consists of 3 main components:

1. Domain – which consists of a set of symbolic rules and procedures.

2. Field – which includes all the individuals who act as gatekeepers to the domain.

3. Individual – who using symbols of a given domain, comes up with a new idea or sees a new pattern.  His or her thoughts or actions change a domain, or establish a new domain.  There are lots of individuals who are well known to us – like Albert Einstein, and Issac Newton in Science, and Pablo Picasso in Arts.

There are certain claims by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi that stimulates me to reflect on my perceptions and experience about creativity:

– How creative great scientists eventually became bears little relationship to how talented they were as children. This is especially true for great scientists like Albert Einstein, and Issac Newton.

– What makes creative people different from others is complexity.  This is an interesting claim.

– Low intelligence can undermine creativity.

– Being intellectually brilliant can also be detrimental to creativity.

What is creative Learning? Steve Wheeler provides an excellent presentation here.

Can Only Intelligent People be Creative? Kyung concludes:

The negligible relationship between creativity and IQ scores indicates that even students with low IQ scores can be creative.  Therefore, teachers should be aware of characteristics of creative students- this will enable teachers to see the potential of each child.

In this “What sort of  Creativity support tools are useful in the development creativity skills?” the design principles for creativity support tools include:

– Support exploratory search

– Enable collaboration

– Provide rich history keeping

– Design with low thresholds, high ceilings and wide walls

These principles could then be further researched through application in the social media.

What is a theory of Creativity?

When it comes to theory of creativity, this  Idea Generation in Groups: A Basis for Creativity in Organizations provide a grounded framework.

As highlighted by  Toward a Theory of Organisation Creativity, to understand creativity in a social context necessitates an exploration of creative processes, creative products, creative persons, and creative situations.  A useful theory of organizational creativity must provide a framework of sufficient complexity and richness to integrate these four components.

This Creative synthesis further reinforces the importance of creativity.

How would creativity relates to Complex adaptive system?  

In this “A meta-analysis of 25 years of mood-creativity research: Hedonic tone, activation, or regulatory focus?” Activating mood states produce more creativity than deactivity mood states, and there were strong indications that this is particularly the case when mood states were associated with a promotion rather than a prevention focus.  Bass et. al. (2008) suggested to frame the task as enjoyable and interesting to do.  Also anger and happiness should be cherished, and sadness and relaxation should be frowned upon.

Creative Learning Theory

I am still formulating the principles and model of this Creative Learning Theory

I would explore these with others through this exciting MOOC on Creativity.

Cloud Computing and Creativity

Kop, R. and Carroll, F. (2011) Cloud Computing and Creativity: Learning on a Massive Open Online Course, European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, Special Issue on Creativity and OER (journal article)


Baas, Matthijs; De Dreu, Carsten K. W.; Nijstad, Bernard A. (November 2008). “A meta-analysis of 25 years of mood-creativity research: Hedonic tone, activation, or regulatory focus?”Psychological Bulletin 134 (6): 779–806. doi:10.1037/a0012815.PMID 18954157.

Kim, K.H. (2005). Can Only Intelligent People be Creative? – A Meta Analysis. The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education. Vol XVI, No. 2/3 Winter/Spring 2005, pp.  57-66


Csikszentmihalyi, M. Creativity – Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. Creativity

Idea Generation in Groups: A Basis for Creativity in Organizations

I am intending to create a wiki and or Google Doc to conduct research and to apply the principles at work in a few weeks time.  These require the cooperation and collaboration of people who would like to explore together in our networks, including MOOCs of Change11, CCK12, Learning Analytics and the one that is forthcoming – a short MOOC for education developers as mentioned by Jenny Mackness.  So let’s start using a Google doc or wiki to collect stories of creative learning, and research through Change11 and CCK12.

Are you interested in this joint project/venture of exploring into Creatagogy?  I believe it requires some joint efforts like the MOOC BLOG CALENDAR.

I am intending to create and develop some papers on this Creatagogy basing on the wiki or Google research.  Do these meet your goals and needs?  Please tell me if you are interested in the conduction of research (a small group? or a number of groups?)

Postscript: This flow experience relates to creativity and creative learning.

Useful references here on Peeragogy by Howard Rheingold.

14 thoughts on “#Change11 #CCK12 Creatagogy – the basis of Creation – of Values, Education & Learning, and Community

  1. Pingback: #Change11 #CCK12 Creatagogy – the basis of Creation – of Values, Education & Learning, and Community | Educación a Distancia (EaD) | Scoop.it

  2. Pingback: #Change11 #CCK12 Creatagogy – the basis of Creation – of Values, Education & Learning, and Community | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

  3. Pingback: #Change11 #CCK12 Creatagogy – the basis of Creation – of Values, Education & Learning, and Community « juandon. Innovación y conocimiento

  4. Gracias por todo lo que compartes en este post. Iré siguiendo los links poco a poco. Yo veo el aprendizaje y la creatividad, que a veces se miran como contrapuestos, como complementarios. Saludos

    English translation based on Google Translate:
    Thank you for everything you share on this post. Following the links go slowly. I see the learning and creativity, which is sometimes regarded as conflicting as complementary. Regards

  5. HI John I promised to read this and so I did. There are many interesting points in this post (and many others you refer) but I cannot follow what you are looking for, what is the purpose? Choices needed?

    I suppose I could learn from you if you had eastern-philosophical orientation to creativity but these western theories I already know 🙂

    I myself consider creativity as a result or by-product of passionate work (1. slideshare has many examples). I am creative when I really want to develop something inside my own expertise. Open online courses are not a suitable environment to creativity, they offer boring basic and sometimes false knowledge base – people are talking about subjects they do not know anything and participants believe if they are ignorant too. Now I have found my Finnish straightness (rudeness?) I enjoy to speak honestly what I think, you know me and understand what I mean.
    BTW I hate the concept creatagogy .. it is awful as all such “gogoies.” I stop reading when I see something like that 🙂

    Good luck to your ponderings, I cannot follow

  6. I enjoy your honesty in sharing your thoughts with me. Yes, I haven’t got the right word for the “marriage” or blend between Creativity and Pedagogy, and so I thought if the combination makes sense. The purpose of this is to develop a pedagogy (an instructive and learning strategy) that is based on creativity, creative learning and thinking. You said that open online courses are not a suitable environment to creativity, they offer boring basic and sometimes false knowledge base. I have to think more about this. There are craps and false information and knowledge floating around webs, networks and “artifacts” and so this could be challenging for both educators and learners, as to learn how to sieve and filter the information. What I found it difficult is that past researches could shed some light in guiding through such creative curation, filtering and the sensing of connective and collective wisdom, through crowd sourcing. However, we don’t seem to have any instructive and learning strategies that would leverage our creativity capacity to the fullest potential, simply because there aren’t much guiding principles found in the current research. I think this is an emergent field, and so not too many researchers have ever touched into this area. I would greatly appreciate if you would point me to any recent research that relates to the technology enhanced creative learning or creativity. My reason of exploring this sort of pedagogy is that we often disregard the importance of creativity and creative thinking in our education, and business world, simply because such thoughts or application are not geared to the course goals, or business objectives in a pragmatic way. So, some of the educators (and learners) may be more comfortable with traditional way of teaching and learning, thus never thinking about how the technology affordance could help them to become more creative. I am just looking into this on AI and found it pretty amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9ByGQGiVMg So, are human more more smarter than the machine, or that AI would soon be our future. I don’t know. But, I reckon creativity and creative learning could add significant values to individuals, and the simple act of blog, post and artifacts creation, sharing, and reflecting would be part of this Creatagogy. There are many ways of sharing, networking, which are equally creative – like the sharing through pictures, drawings, photos, artistic videos, podcasts, slideshares, and those social artistry (as referred by Nancy White)…
    Love your Finnish style of sharing, assertive, and inspirational.
    Back to you. John

  7. Hi Heli,
    Here is the 4 great inventions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Great_Inventions Without creativity and creative learning, I doubt if these 4 great inventions could be further developed and applied. There are many stories relating to the use of creativity and creative learning, spanning and developed in different domains, like the creative use of “internet of things” for the development of new branches of medicine, health, education and learning, military and defence, community developments, performance arts, science, etc. The cognitive surplus as espoused by Clay Shirky is also another contributing factor to the present proliferation of creative ideas and “knowledge” emerging out of the connections. The issues of pseudo science and crap information due to memes and spams transmission are yet another set of challenges that educators and learners have to face, when learning on the web and internet. These are just the start of the journey, of exploration, testing and experimentation and developing new, innovative and creative ways of curating, developing and sharing those ideas and knowledge that would ultimately add value to individuals, networks, communities and institutions. This is an ongoing development of “pedagogy”, not a one shot euphemistic dose of medicine to inject into human minds in order to become a “creative community”. To this end, I fully agree with you that Open online courses are not a suitable environment to creativity. Courses are to limiting, they wouldn’t be able unleash our creativity, and creative knowledge. Thanks so much for your precious sharing. John

  8. Pingback: #Change11 #CCK12 Creatagogy – the basis of Creation – of Values ... | 21st Century Adult Education | Scoop.it

  9. Pingback: #Change11 #CCK12 Education and Education Responsibility | Learner Weblog

  10. Pingback: #Change11 #CCK12 Creativity – Where is it coming from? Why is it important? | Learner Weblog

  11. Pingback: A New Paradigm of Knowledge? | Learner Weblog

  12. Pingback: Creatagogy – the basis of Creation – of Values, Education & Learning, and Community | Digitalis mundi | Scoop.it

  13. Pingback: Creative Classroom, Creative Learning, Digital Pedagogy and Netagogy | Learner Weblog

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