The map is the treasure

Here are some conversations on fractals – the map.

Here is <a href=”;feature=related” target=”_blank”>part 6 of 6 on fractals</a>. Infinity complexity. On resonance in brain. The mind in resonance with M – set. How much of life is determined, or due to chance? So in communication; interaction in social media & networks, how much is it determined by each of us, or by chance?

It makes sense to me in communication & interaction in media as the multiplication and addition of voices and views takes shape of fractals i.e. f(Z)=ZxZ +C is the result of emergence and amplification, where Z is the “message” or “interaction” being initiated by the actor via conversation or engagement with another actor with ZXZ as emergence & C is the “by products” or tacit knowledge of interaction adding to the topic & so the Z continues to grow. Does it make sense to you? Or is it based purely on intuition?


Sui Fai John Mak said:;xg_source=activity#2749904Comment9891″><div>Would fractals unlock the pattern of networks – human interaction, communication, cooperation & collaboration in social media? Here is part 3 of 6 of <a href=”;feature=related” target=”_blank”>fractals</a>. We seem to exhibit similar patterns of weak &amp; strong links, depending on our “like” and “unlike” minds and interests (strong resonance &amp; weak or no resonance) with changing directions of interests and topics just like fractals. Does communication in social media follow such emergent pattern in nature?<br/><br/>Any research done in this area?

Hi Nicola,

How to create a texture that could manage digital displays? Here are the <a href=”” target=”_blank”>fractals</a>. A video on <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Fractals</a>.<br/><br/>Here is the <a href=”” target=”_blank”>dot-com bubble</a> and <a href=”” target=”_blank”>economic bubble.

Nicola Avery said:<blockquoteĀ cite=”;xg_source=activity#2749904Comment9889″><div>Yes, economic and technology bubbles – and bubble charts made of real bubbles too.

Bubble connecting šŸ™‚ Its very light-touch connecting isn’t it – when you want to stop your thinking, you don’t have to switch off anything, you just ‘pop’ it. I wondered about social bubbles – children in a shared play area – each creating their own bubbles – bumping into each others bubbles – maybe joining, merging. Another nice thing is that you can’t control them – they will also be affected by everything in the natural environment. I wonder how you could create a texture that could manage digital displays whilst in motion – I guess injection moulding of some kind – using bubbles to make bubbles ? (I don’t know enough about it)

Sui Fai John Mak said: bubbles.


Yes, bubbles could be fascinating for children to “play with”, and for them to understand “surface tension” concept – the skin with liquid.<br/>What else could we think of that relate to bubbles? Dreams? A bubble social media? Bubble economy? Bubble business strategy – with a success rate of 80-20 (or 20% of companies having 80% success rate)….. Bubble connections… Bubble thinking. <br/>John<br/><br/></div>
May be even our Future of Education could be a map of such fractals.Ā  Is it determined or by chance?

Personal Knowledge Network (PKN) and Personal Learning Network (PLN)

Would you want to build up your personal knowledge network (PKN)?

PKNĀ & PLNĀ – Are they the same or different? To me PKNĀ is relating to PERSONAL knowledge network – Knowledge – able network for individuals, an outcome of PLN.Ā  PKNĀ is alsoĀ the driver of PLNĀ & vice versa.Ā  How about a cycle of PKNĀ & PLN for knowledge and learning?

In some cultures like Chinese, the meaning of learning is different from knowledge. Learning means to learn and practise. Knowledge means to know, recognise & differentiate (the pattern, the facts etc.). One may know, and recognise the pattern (procedure, process, facts etc.) first, before one “learns” how to put it into practice, or one would just practise first, and reflect on the knowledge “gained” through such experience. This depends on the context, tasks, skills and experience of the “learner”. The theorist versus the pragmatist, or the activist versus the reflectors, or a combination of them throughout the learning process etc. Throughout the process, one could be aiming for knowledge – able and learning to be (ontology). Will differences in cultural understanding of such terms be significant in creating & developing the theory of knowledge (epistemology) and learning (ontology)?

Riding a bicycle from Flickr