#Change11 Generational gaps in learning and Self-regulated Learning

In this article of Generational Gaps in School Learning: Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants, the authors say:

Traditional teaching methodology designed to educate through the assumptions of the past is no longer viable for more recent generations.

The development of learning strategies, time management, goal setting, self-evaluation, self efficacy and intrinsic beliefs are key processes in promoting more self-regulated individuals who are capable of succeeding in the school context and in life (Zimmerman, 2002).

Self regulatory processes as part of strategic learning that fosters reflection are teachable and are regarded as responsible for the increase of students’ level of motivational performance  (Zimmerman, 2002).

I think Dave White’s model of Visitors and Residents has shown that digital natives and immigrants could be nuanced though, where networkers and learners might more likely be distributed as visitors and residents instead, with significance in terms of how they would or have used the web and internet to serve their needs and achieve their goals.

There are however, generational gaps in terms of how older generation would perceive the use of technology in education and learning as compared to that of younger generation.  This is especially the case as revealed in the technology generation gap.  So, what we should also be concerned would be: What happens if we have prepared learners to become technology savvy to work with others of different generations?  Are we preparing the learners enough so they could handle those tensions at work – due to the technology generation gaps?

Image: from Google image

In response to these challenges, how about developing learners to become self-regulated learners through self regulatory processes?  This would ensure that learners become autonomous in their learning, both in their study and at work.

How could self regulatory processes be learnt?  I reckon one of the most effective ways would be through involvement in social networks and learning communities as shared in my previous posts. Comment: “(e) Both support self-regulated learning – Connectivism stresses on autonomy, diversity, openness and interactivity and connectivity as property of networks. Constructivism stresses on social learning, and must be viewed as an active process where students actively construct their knowledge, and that learner is central to the learning process.”

Here in becoming a self-regulated learner, the activities and assignments are designed to:

(a) Examine your strengths and weaknesses as a learner.

(b) Gain experience analysing the requirements of academic tasks, setting effective goals, and reflecting on and evaluating your own learning processes.

(c) Experiment with a range of learning strategies that suit your individual needs and coursework.

(d) Receive feedback about your strategy use and learning processes from peers and instructors.

(e) Experience success through your own efforts and persistence.

(f) Learn to collaborate effectively with peers.

How far would these strategies be adopted in an open learning environment such as MOOC?  I think (a), (b) (c) and (e) could be achieved by participants of MOOC.  The challenges with MOOC may be (d) Receive feedback about your strategy use and learning processes from peers and instructors and (f) Learn to collaborate effectively with peers.

May be if people are to be surveyed on these 6 “skills” areas, they would be able to self-assess if they have achieved all or part of these 6 skills, through social media networking, networked learning, PLE, blogging and or other artifacts creation or collaboration.

I would like to reflect on this week’s topic on social networks and learning communities.  My previous posts here and here on networked learning sum up my views on those areas and the role of university in 21 st century.

The main priorities for the future involve integration with tools and resources, selected transparently and providing resources which are easy to find, understand and use. Traditional model of teaching may not be good enough in providing learners with the rich and valuable learning experience that are aided and complemented by technology.