To be, or not to be, that is the question

To be, or not to be, that sounds interesting, when applied in education and learning.

Here are some questions that are often raised in our recent discourse:

Should we?

Experiment, or not to experiment.

Change, or not to change.

Teach, or not to teach.

Lecture, or not to lecture.

Flip the class, or not to flip.

Criticise, or not to criticise.

MOOC, or not to MOOC.  See this, where the author shared experiences-from-massive-open-online-courses-moocs-and-how-the-mooc-could-potentially-increase-diversity-social-inclusion-learner-engagement and this on A-Pioneer-in-Online-Education, and this one on completion rate MOOC.  Or you might like to consider MOOC as a means not an end to higher education.

Network, or not to network.  Tweet, or not to tweet.

Connect, or not to connect.

Join community, or not to join.

What would be some of your should/should not list?  Like to learn….

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