#CCK11 Why Connectivism – and social networks are important?

The post by George on Connectivism provides an overview on what Connectivism is and why it is important.  Stephen also highlights in the post on What is Connectivism.

As shared by George, Connectivism is important because:

Connectivism finds its roots in the climate of abundance, rapid change, diverse information sources and perspectives, and the critical need to find a way to filter and make sense of the chaos. As such, the networked centrality of connectivism permits a scaling of both abundance and diversity. The information climate of continual and ongoing change raises the importance of being continually current. As Anderson has stated, “more is different”. The “more” of information and technology today, and the need to stay current, forms the climate that gives roots to connectivism.

The importance of learning lies with the connections.  And that we must stay current with up-to-date information.

In this The hidden influence of social networks

Nicholas Christakis shares the insights he gained through the study of social networks:

*Different structural locations have different impact on your life – So in CCK11, how you participate in the network would have different impact on your learning, and the saying of: “the more you get involved, engaged with others in your networks through participation or contribution, the more likely you would get what you want”.   In order words, the more active or engaged you are in the social networks, the more likely you would influence others or be influenced by others in the networks or communities.

*Our Network Position is Partially Heritable – To what extent is this true when learning in and with social networks?  May be those more influential people have got genes inherited from their parents, and so they would hold positions as comparable to their parents that are also influential.  I would like to see more evidences in case of social networks with a learning focus – like CCK11

*Networks have values – and there are different kinds of social values associated with learning through social networks.  My experience with learning through social networks – Facebook and Twitter and that in CCK08, 09, CritLit2010 and PLENK2010 do enable me to appreciate the values with social networks, by having virtual networked learning, and sharing of ideas and collaborating with others on projects (via wikis, blogs etc.).

*Connections Matter

– Graphite


reside in the interactions of atoms, and so type of connections would decide on their “strengths”

Photos: from Flickr

The ties between people matter – that means that strong or weak ties with connections amongst people in the networks do affect the sort of learning of individuals and the networks.  Also the learning that emerged through networked learning is likely greater than the sum of its parts (i.e. individual learning).  How would these be translated and reflected in our learning with CCK and PLENK?  In theory, different (sorts of) ties do matter in learning, and so could impact on the sort of learning each of the participants are expecting and experiencing in networks.

I would need to dig deeper into the research findings to uncover these propositions on networked learning.

* Spread of good and valuable things in social networks matters – so the spreading of happiness and altruism are important in social networks.  I suppose the spreading and sharing of valuable artifacts and learning in CCK11 could make a difference in individual and social learning.

In summary, connections matter. By studying social networks, we could have a better understanding about how emotions are shared or spread in social networks.  We could also better understand other phenomena in social networks which are associated with ideas generation and spreading (memes), education development, business and market share and failures, economics, health issues and the spread of diseases etc.

How about your experience with connections?  What are the positive and negative aspects of connections you have found so far, with CCK or social networks?

#CCK11 Connectivism and Connective Knowledge Week 1

This is my third round of joining Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (after CCK08, CCK09).  This CCK11 would be another exciting learning journey for me, as I would like to spend more time in applying what I have learnt at work this year.

Why would I do this CCK11?

I am still exploring and learning about Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, as there are lots of areas that I think I would like to develop further learning on:

(a) Learner autonomy and its impact on learning (as shared by Jenny in her numerous posts here of First Thoughts about Stephen Downes Model of Autonomy ) and Stephen’s post on Autonomy

(b) How learners perceive Connectivism and Connective Knowledge in their learning journey and networked learning.

(c) How the properties of networked learning: autonomy, diversity, openness, interactivity and connectedness would impact on individual and social learning.

(d) How Complexity (based on Complexity and Chaos Theory) would impact on individual’s connective learning.

How would I achieve the above?

(a) By participating in the networks and conducting research through course readings and reviews, and reflecting on the learning and research findings.

(b) By creating and composing artifacts and research articles reporting on the above, within the next 3 months

(c) By applying what I have learnt through the course at work or with people of other networks and communities

Here I would start with:

I love reading Jenny’s post on the start-up and having watched and listened to the recording of the First week Wednesday session, have come to an understanding that:

(a) The course is designed based on a decentralized learning space and platform where each participant feels free and comfortable to choose and decide upon. This CCK11 would attempt to steer away from LMS (based on Moodle discussion) and would fully embrace the spirit of PLE/N in the networks.  There is a all discussion threads here for participants who want to raise topics for discussion.

(b) In this course wiki Stephen highlighted the important activities involved through this How the course works :




Feed Forward

The expectations of the facilitators are: Do feel free to Create, Interact and Track throughout the course.  George, the facilitator in his suggestion on “what to expect?” included:

(1) A bit of confusion at the start

(2) Don’t try and read everything: skim & dive

(3) Take what’s relevant now – the archive will be here for later.

(c) So in the diagram of How Learning Occurs:

It involves: Educator and Learner in the Process of:

Aggregation – Integrated services (iGoogle), RSS Readers, gRSShopper

Curation – The Daily, Course resources & Readings, Interaction around learner artifacts

Interaction – Asynchronous Interaction, Quasi-Synchronous Interaction, Synchronous Interaction

Creation of Artifact – Individual, Collaborative

In response to questions about how knowledge is created through the artifacts, George emphasized the importance of growth of knowledge, rather than the creation of new knowledge.

I would like to reflect on Stephen’s post in the Elluminate Session: “George and I don’t have an agenda of ‘content’ that we want to ‘teach’ as implied by course objectives.”  My interpretation is that Stephen is encouraging participants to learn through the open sharing of multiple perspectives, artifacts, participation and interaction with each others (where participants could also be playing the role of the educators and learners from time to time, under certain situations, like blogging with explaining of what has been learnt through personal readings, reflection or commenting on the resources, artifacts, or other blog posts), whereas the facilitators are just one node of the network, and so wouldn’t be “teaching” to the content  as typical in a traditional online course.

In summary, I appreciate George and Stephen’s great start in CCK09, where the course is now designed with open and diversified elements – like decentralized learning space and media, choice of tools and media, learner autonomy, normative and negotiated learning strategies (aggregate, remix, repurpose, feedforward)  and a whole set of new and emergent ideas (for new comers) (in terms of connectivist principles of learning as the forming of connections, construction and navigation of distributed knowledge, and that knowledge is distributed across networks).

As I am still working on the research findings and literature review on the Design and Delivery of MOOC-PLENK, I would need some time to consolidate my learnings from the research.

I will come back to the sharing of the first 2 weeks’ of readings of the course at a later time.
