#Change11 Change, happiness and social artistry

Positive thinking, isn’t that the solution towards reducing depression, changing ourselves, and changing the world, for the better?  May be.

Here are some quotes from Take Control of your life by Dr Gail Ratcliffe

Why does your life get out of control: “One is not disturbed by things but by the views one takes of them.” EPICTETUS

Change your attitude if you can’t change the situation: “Our lives are what our thoughts make of them.” MARCUS AURELIUS

In Change your thinking by Dr Sarah Edelman

Life is difficult.  This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths.  It is in the process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning. SCOTT PECK, The Road Well Travelled

So, what does one need to do in respond to changes?  Should one change his/her thinking, or attitudes?

Here is a story adapted from The Magic of Thinking Big by Dr David J. Schwartz

Our six-year-old son David felt mighty big when he was graduated from Kindergarten.  I asked him what he plans to be when he finishes growing up. David answered, “Dad, I want to be a Professor.”

A Professor? A Professor of what?” I asked.

Well, Dad,” he replied, “I think I want to be a Professor of Happiness.”

Isn’t it pretty ambitious?  But is there such a Professor of Happiness in the world? Here Daniel Gilbert, Professor Happiness says:

We know that the best predictor of human happiness is human relationships and the amount of time that people spend with family and friends.

We know that it’s significantly more important than money and somewhat more important than health. That’s what the data shows. The interesting thing is that people will sacrifice social relationships to get other things that won’t make them as happy — money. That’s what I mean when I say people should do “wise shopping” for happiness.

Human relationships could be best predictor of human happiness.  Based on that belief, I followed Nancy’s lead on social artistry where Jean Houston explains Social Artistry:

Social Artistry is the art of enhancing human capacities in the light of social complexity. It seeks to bring new ways of thinking, being and doing to social challenges in the world.

That’s where I would like to start to explore on.  Here is the social artistry study group

“Social Artistry is an emerging discipline in leadership development. It taps inherent human capacities for greater imagination, compassion, and resolve. The discipline integrates science and intellectual development, using multiple styles of thinking, expanding skills for contemporary leadership challenges, and applying these skills to complex social issues and organizational development.”

Sounds new and interesting to me!

8 thoughts on “#Change11 Change, happiness and social artistry

  1. @John-
    I am interested enough in this to want to know more. I am not clear if there is body of writing on this, or if the term is just brand new (in the sense of its being developed and practiced within organizations and in need of research); let me know what you find. I do admit I never heard about this before this week.

  2. Pingback: on change « marianna's netlog

  3. Pingback: Reflecting on #socialartists and #change11 | Full Circle Associates

  4. I loved the stream of ideas and thinking and the connection towards attitude. Great learning configurations of people have diversity, including optimism. Thanks, John!

  5. Thanks Nancy for your kind words and wonderful sharing. I love your way you embrace openness and diversity.
    Life is short, but we could overcome those challenges with optimism, and social artistry would help ourselves and others in leading a more fulfilling life. John

  6. Big fan of RSAnimate so thanks for this engaging train of thought! I had some success earlier this week with visualizing (and then experiencing) a more positive relationship with a client group. Not sure if it ‘worked’ in a scientific cause-effect sense but things went tremendously well and I believe that it was a result of me changing the one thing I had control over: my attitude.

  7. Pingback: #Change11 The Impact of Social media (Part 1) | Learner Weblog

  8. Pingback: Should you forget your passion in order to find happiness? | Learner Weblog

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