4 thoughts on “Our Research wiki

  1. Have you got any ideas or suggestions? Would you be interested in these sort of research wikis or communities, or research projects?
    I have a few research projects in mind, but like to hear from you first, to learn what you like.
    Many thanks for your response here.

  2. John,

    This case study uses 3 approaches to participative inquiry to inquire into the design of the learning environment and the learning in a course required for professional certification for all secondary teachers in one State. The course requires secondary teachers in all disciplinary subjects to demonstrate that they can differentiate reading and writing assessment and instruction for all students. Thirteen teachers and I will use a problem-based learning format, focus group discussions, structured and semi-structured interviews, surveys, document, discourse and work-sample-analysis strategies, to inquire into the following:
    1) The design of online and face-to-face learning environment and learning experiences;
    2) Strategies that extend the capabilities of adolescents to comprehend and compose a variety of print and online texts;
    3) Participatory approaches to inquiry and research

    This research can potentially contribute to the scholarship of
    1) teaching and learning–Participants evaluate and innovate the design of the learning environment and the learning in a hybrid course.
    2) discovery– Participants explore the relationship between learner-centered principles, learning/e-learning theories, and participative inquiry in supporting literacy learning of adolescents,
    3) application– Participants examine and evaluate the research on adolescent literacy, including research into the disciplines and a wide range strategies that assist adolescent readers and writers to learn disciplinary content and communicate effectively, using print and online resources and use this information to inform decision making in the coming academic year.
    4) integration–Particpants work to collaboratively to design learning environments and curriculum, instructional and assessment plans, and activities in the disciplines that support all adolescent learners in developing substantive disciplinary knowledge, strategic expertise in problem solving and decision making, ability to use the information to complete academic and authentic real life tasks, and a sense of their own subjective identity as literate and capable individuals, colleagues, employees, and citizens in today’s global society.

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