#Change11 A Pedagogy to Support Human Beings

What is a pedagogy that could support human beings?

That is the research topic that Rita, Hélène and I have been working on this year.

My sincere thanks to RitaHélène for their great research efforts and  support.

Rita Kop and Hélène Fournier
National Research Council of Canada

Here is the paper published in IRRODL: A Pedagogy of Abundance or a Pedagogy to Support Human Beings? Participant Support on Massive Open Online Courses.

Looking forward to your comments and discussion to our paper.  Everyone is welcome.

You will find all other papers published in this special issue – Emergent Learning, Connections, Design for Learning of IRRODL.

3 thoughts on “#Change11 A Pedagogy to Support Human Beings

  1. Hi Jaap, I agree with your points. If we were to continue the teaching practice with what we have been taught, then, we have assumed that our learners are dependent, immature, and must then be spoon fed with information by the teachers.

    In this http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1011/2021
    “A dynamic, emergent curriculum, transformative in its processes, sees both the learner and the curriculum (child and curriculum, in Dewey’s phrasing) having their own voice. The point-counterpoint of this duet/dialogue, with practice and over time, produces transformative results. . . . In this way, child and curriculum, learner and teacher, self and text, person and culture, dance together to form a complex pattern—ever changing, ever stable, ever alive. (Doll, 2005b, p. 55)

    Such a redesign of learning requires both teachers and students to be learners, working together in nonlinear ways. Teachers cannot take this approach in fear of chaos and disorder; they must find innovative ways to construct disorder and flow with chaos and build resilience to the traditional training that instinctively drives them to take control. Doll (1993, p. 16) asserts that we must all begin where we are.”

    We seem to arrive to similar conclusions, with even different research approaches.

    Would this pattern emerge from other researches too? I found similar findings here too http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1023/2022 :”A chaordic approach can maximize the horizontality of relationships between facilitators and learners and engage all actors in the construction of new knowledge. As Moravec (2006) postulates, intelligent applications of information and communication technologies may be best leveraged to facilitate such chaordic learning.”

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