Open Courses

Please see posting here on Facebook relating to Open Courses.

Refer to this paper by Dave and George. I hope Dave and George would allow me to post this here. Thanks in advance.
Through the Open Door Open Courses
Would you like to continue with the discussion and conversation on open courses?
What does an open course mean to you? How could you use open course for your institution or community? Why would you use an open course? What are the merits and limitations of open course for institution/community?

So long, farewell, I want to say Goodbye

Here is my posting on Farewell to Ning

<b>Our farewell to Ning:</b>
Dear Members,
I think we are drawing our final days with Ning and it’s time to say farewell to each other here. It has been my great pleasure to have our ConnectivismEducationLearning Community on Ning, especially with your great support. I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful time throughout your involvement with the Community – by having new connections, or by establishing your own personal learning networks.
Have you got any memorable quote or video on this Community that you would like to share?
Finally, I wish you all well and you are invited to join our ConnectivismEducationLearning Community Group on Facebook, if you still haven’t done so. Surely, there are already many new connections there waiting for you. Now there are 234 members with the FB Group. Hoping to see you again there.