The A to D of becoming famous in the net

Do you want to be famous in the net?  How?

May we have a word game?

Think of a “negative” and a “positive” word that comes to your mind- it could be an adjective, a noun, or a verb that relates and judges – a blog post, a person, or an idea etc.

What have you got?

Here is my A to D list:


arrogant, aggressive, atrocious

appreciative, adorable, admirable

Photo from: Flickr


bitchy, bizarre, bewilder, besiege, betray, blunt, boastful

bewitch, blessed, blossom

Photo from: Flickr


cool, carcinogenic, crap, critical

caring, candid, cultivate, creative

Photo from: Flickr


demanding, diminishing, disagreeing, disallow, discriminate, disdain, disengage, disgust, doubt, disgruntled, devilish, destructive, deceitful, demoralise, despise, dictate, dominate, doubtful

dedicated, discourse, discover, divine, dynamic

Would you like to add yours?

How about the E to Z word of getting famous? Your turn here…

Why? Would you simply want to become famous? Would you like to educate instead?  With all the positives…..
